ylliX - Online Advertising Network Plan with me – August bullet journal theme

Plan with me – August bullet journal theme

I haven’t written a lot the last couple of weeks cause I needed some time for myself and I wanted to enjoy the summer. I’ve realized that I haven’t been healthy lately and it has taken a toll on my mental health, so from this month I’ve started bullet journaling again, and of course, I love to share it with you!
Bullet journalling is perfect for me cause I can track everything that’s important to me, something that’s harder in a regular planner. I also like to be creative, and I can combine bullet journaling with my creative side!
I will update this post regularly, but I love to show you what I’ve done so far.
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Hello August – Underwater bullet journal theme

Hello august - bullet journal theme underwater sea creatures. Plan with me and be organized so you can start working on a healthy you. Improve your mental health selfgrowth. #bulletjournal #planner #bujo #bujolove #bulletjournalcommunity

Bullet journal mood tracker

Mood tracker august underwater sea creature theme - shell, crab, seahorse, rog, star, jellyfish drawings - plan with me bullet journal community. Be more organized and track your mood this month! improve your mental health and well being.

August bullet journal mood tracker seacreatures underwater theme | plan with me bullet journal community - live a healthier balanced and organized life - drawing - jellyfish, starfish, seahorse, shell drawings #bujo #bujolove #planner #bulletjournal
Bullet journal mood tracker ocean theme. August theme planner. Bujo inspiration. bullet journal community. Plan with me. Sea creatures ocean. Shell, seahorse, seastar, fish, octopus, crab and other cute drawings. Artsy brush style. blue #bulletjournal #bujo #ocean #planner #draw #drawing #cute

Bullet journal August week 1

bullet journal august week 1 spread | bullet journaling plan and organize your life | plan with me bullet journal community - seacreature underwater theme jellyfish squid drawing | tombow #bujo #bulletjournal #planner #planning #drawing

August week 1 bullet journal close up squid drawing | plan with me bullet journal community | bullet journaling to a healthier organized happy life | healthy lifestyle #bujo #bulletjournal #planner #planning
I decided to leave it with this for August due to medical complications. I will post more next month!
Do you bullet journal? Let me know in the comments and send me a link so I can check yours out!
You can also follow me on Instagram for more bullet journal inspiration!

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