When I first got my social anxiety disorder diagnosis, there wasn’t very much in terms of resources on the internet.
My computer looked like a box and we didn’t have smartphones yet. So I didn’t have the access to online support groups for anxiety, like I do now.
Since then, the internet has grown by extreme measures and we have mass amounts of resources at our fingertips. We can access support groups any time we like.
My favourite support groups for anxiety and mental health are on Facebook, as they’re most active and most people already have a Facebook account. So it’s unlikely you’ll have to register for a new website.
If you’re looking to vent about your anxiety or depression, ask for advice from people who have gone through the same thing as you or even want to help other people with their mental health, these Facebook support groups for anxiety and mental health should help.
The Anxiety Lounge
This is my own support group for anxiety and mental health. We’re a friendly bunch of people who focus on improving anxiety. It’s a closed group and a safe space to vent.
On Wednesdays we post our anxiety wins for the week and it helps encourage each other and gives us something to work towards.
I wanted to go for a more positive approach than you normally get in support groups for anxiety, as while a lot of them are a great place to offload, don’t actually offer much advice or encouragement to get better.
Social Anxiety
I’ve been in this group for almost as long as I’ve had Facebook and it’s a great place to chat. It’s a very big group but the admins are great at keeping on top of any problematic members and there are lots of lovely people in there from all over the world.
Get Stuff Done (With Depression)
This is Fiona from Fiona Likes To Blog‘s group and if you are looking for a supportive group for depression, then this is the one to be in! You can also download her free book (How To Get Stuff Done With Depression) from the group.
Worry Warrior Anxiety Support Group
This is Katherine from Worry Warrior‘s group and she’s an amazing coach, so you can imagine how helpful it is to be in her support group!
Anxiety, Depression and Mental Health Support Group
A rather big mental health support group, meaning you always get a response very quickly and lots of lovely friendly members.
Social Anxiety Disorder
Another big group specifically geared towards social anxiety.
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