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Bullet journal – January 2019

January is the first month of the year and mostly cold in the Netherlands. Things we associate with cold can be funny just like penguins. Penguins inspired this month’s bullet journal for my wife.
I have been, or can be if you click on a link and make a purchase, compensated via a cash payment, gift, or something else of value for writing this post. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I or my family use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Monthly cover

Bullet journal monthly cover January - itstartswithacoffee.com #bulletjournal #bulletjournaling #monthlyplanner #monthlycover #coverpages #January #bujo
Bullet journal monthly cover January
Cover pages became so popular recently. In previous bullet journals my wife did not add cover pages but I really enjoy them. These cool penguins help you forget that in January in the Netherlands it is winter and cold. Isn’t it interesting that humans always want something different? In winter we want warmer weather.

Weekly planners

Week 1
Bullet journal - January weekly planner week 1 - itstartswithacoffee.com #bulletjournal #bujo #bujolove #bulletjournaling #weeklyplanner #January #bulletjournallove #bujojunkies
Bullet journal – January weekly planner week 1
In our family one of the biggest challenge for my wife is to plan the meals. As I see with other families it is usually the kids who are picky so they make it hard on the one running the kitchen. What is the meals that are always welcome in your family? My daughter can eat pancakes each and every day.
Week 2
Bullet journal - January weekly planner week 2 - itstartswithacoffee.com #bulletjournal #bujo #bujolove #bulletjournaling #weeklyplanner #January #bulletjournallove #bujojunkies
Bullet journal – January weekly planner week 1
When it comes to planning for a week you can find planners in the stores.
Did you realise that most of them are having a bigger area on the weekdays and a smaller on the weekends? Now this I find a bit annoying.
Think about your weeks. What do you do on the weekdays? There is a huge chunk when it is a repeated actions. Wake up, get ready to go to work, work, shop, go home, sleep, etc. How many out of regular weekdays do you have? If you are lucky and you have a free weekend that is calling for action. That is when you can do something so that is where you should have enough space in your planner. If you have a planner where the weekdays you can plan more into then into the weekends is that suggesting you should have more focus on the weekend? I think you should have most focus on you and your family.
Week 3
Bullet journal - January weekly planner week 3 - itstartswithacoffee.com #bulletjournal #bujo #bujolove #bulletjournaling #weeklyplanner #January #bulletjournallove #bujojunkies
Bullet journal – January weekly planner week 3
Look at all those penguins on these pages. Mother nature made a great job on developing these birds for sure. Surviving in a climate we would freeze. I find that so amazing. Since I was a little boy I found nature a really inspiring thing.
Week 4
Bullet journal - January weekly planner week 4 - itstartswithacoffee.com #bulletjournal #bujo #bujolove #bulletjournaling #weeklyplanner #January #bulletjournallove #bujojunkies
Bullet journal – January weekly planner week 4
I can hardly wait this week above. Yes, that is when I landed on this planet.
Week 5
Bullet journal - January weekly planner week 5 - itstartswithacoffee.com #bulletjournal #bujo #bujolove #bulletjournaling #weeklyplanner #January #bulletjournallove #bujojunkies
Bullet journal – January weekly planner week 5
Since we moved to the Netherlands there is one thing we miss a little bit. Snow. It is not snowing as much as in Hungary as a result we try to visit back to Hungary in winter. Irony is all over the place. Snow is one of the reasons we would love to go to Hungary and guess what… One of the reasons why we usually don’t consider the trip is the snow.

January memories

Bullet journal - January memories - itstartswithacoffee.com #bulletjournal #bujo #bujolove #bulletjournaling #weeklyplanner #January #bulletjournallove #bujojunkies
Bullet journal – January memories
January is no exception. You need to live your life to make memories. The more memories you make the better. My wife puts them in her bullet journals while I make many photos and sort them on my laptop. My wife asks for some photos regularly. First of all she prints them out, either just on plain paper or on stickers. Finally she sticks them in her bullet journal. It is really not that hard, it is only the matter of planning. Wait a second, bullet journals are planners. You should be good at it by now. The only reason behind planning on the prints is to pre-design your page you want to use the photos on. You might want to shrink them or cut parts of them so they fit where you need them.

Mood tracker

Bullet journal - January mood tracker - itstartswithacoffee.com #bulletjournal #bujo #bujolove #bulletjournaling #moodtracker #moodtracking #tracker #January #bulletjournallove #bujojunkies
Bullet journal – January mood tracker
Coloring an igloo is already fun in itself. The blues here represent being better so I hope you’ll use those cold colors this month a lot.

Habit tracker

Bullet journal - January habit tracker - itstartswithacoffee.com #bulletjournal #bujo #bujolove #bulletjournaling #habittracker #tracker #habittracking #January #bulletjournallove #bujojunkies
Bullet journal – January habit tracker
I had to realise as I write these posts maybe I also use my own trackers. I am tracking some of my habits as well. At some point you might realise that having a tracker is a way of motivating yourself to do the things that you should be doing. Some examples of what I track:
  • My weight which I need to watch due to my sugar levels and blood pressure
  • Headaches I get. Is there anyone who does not have headaches? Sorry to inform you it will start one day. First of all I did not have them always because I was young.
  • Activity on my blog. I try to schedule something new daily.
  • How much coffee I drink. Now this I keep on forgetting but since I know the amount I drink is no harm at all I kind of stopped tracking.

Materials and tools used on the above pages

I am a curious person. Anyone interested in sharing how much tools, pens, pencils you have just because you decorate your bullet journal?
Here below is a list of online available tools, pens, pencils we use ourselves.

Stabilo Fineliner

They come in different colors and the same goes to picking them as for color pencils. The more colors the better.

Color pencil sets from Faber-Castell

We found these pencils really good quality and we highly recommend them. The more colors you have the easier you color your pages.

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